In process engineering terms, it’s quite straightforward. Whenever a sudden spike occurs in a steady state system, in attempting to move to another steady state, for a time the counterbalancing controls go wildly out of whack (with a bit of a lag).  The spike is greenhouse gases, the steady state system is the atmosphere and ocean, and the counterbalancing control is climate.

And this is happening as we are experiencing declining energy surplus and minerals.

Extinction of more of the Earth’s species to collapse is now being hastened by:

  • The oligarchy and political elite who direct corporations to build us more, choice us more, distract us more, green us more

  • Mainstream environmentalists who refuse to acknowledge limits-to-growth and force feeds sheeple with their ‘100% renewable’ and ‘fossil free’ bullshit (whilst well serving the oligarchy selling us green)

Planet Earth now has a cabal of climate activists, technofascists, financiers and economists ganging up on it (whilst they claim their job is to save it).  They want people (and themselves) to believe that the solution to the climate emergency and environmental degradation is not just to build more, but to build it faster.  It can then all be labelled ‘renewable’, consciences salved and lifestyle saved.  But can it then be replaced or rebuilt every 25 to 40 years, without oil, and with holes in the ground leaching where minerals once were?

For example, Beyond Zero Emissions in their ‘Million Jobs Plan’ wants you to believe in 'renewable hydrogen, 100% renewable mining, green aluminium', the list goes on and on.  But look at who their project partners are; what I see is that the vast majority of them are financiers, economists, lawyers, marketeers and politicians.  Infinite growth on a finite planet.

Look at the Melbourne made Wilson Transfomer in your street up on a power pole.  It’s probably been sitting there humming away for 30 years out-of-sight out-of-mind.  If we are all going to have electric cars charging at home, then we’ll need to supplement/replace them with a network of complex electronic ‘transformers’ that are all communicating with each other (and doing active switching?).  Doesn’t appear to me that this would be a resilient future.

Recently our gas hot water cylinder failed and we had it replaced with a second hand one (it cost $110 and was 6 years old).  The failed cylinder was manufactured in Melbourne in 1985, was of simple construction having no electronics, motors or gas seals (but should’ve had more insulation).  Best thing of all was that it had worked for 32 years without any care or maintenance.  Now we have climate activists telling us that we have to transition from gas to ‘an efficient all-electric home’ i.e. a home with a heat pump for hot water.  We have a heat pump, expensive because its a sophisticated machine.  Though assembled in Australia, its components weren’t manufactured here and its electronics can’t be.  No way I’m expecting it to last 32 years without any care and maintenance.  Do you see mainstream environmentalists addressing resource and complexity constraints?  Nah, inconvenient.

In essence you can have any 2 of the following.  Green electricity, cheap electricity, reliable electricity.  The Greens fairytale for you is all 3, me, I’m opting for green and cheap; 99% reliability instead of 99.998%

Others are much more eloquent than I explaining the predicament we are in.

Have a few quibbles; but interesting visuals

But let us not forget these two pariahs of mainstream environmentalism